Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome Gavin Michael

Gavin Michael was born today at 1:37 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 8 ounces. We were hoping to meet the little guy before we left Massachusetts, but the bugger decided to wait until just after we were gone! Here are pictures from our visit with, Karen, Kevin, and big sister Ella the day after Christmas.
Blake cooking some eggs for Ella in her new kitchen.
Checking out the ornaments.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Ever year our friends Pat and Liz send us a gingerbread house for the holidays. We brought the house to Mimi and Papa's. Mimi let Blake have his first gumdrop and many more after that.
Thank you Pat and Liz!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Papa + Snow = FUN

Christmas Day

Nothing like new wheels and a chocolate chip cookie on Christmas morning.

Best gift from Santa.
Christmas dinner.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Past

This year we are spending Christmas with Mimi and Papa in Massachusetts. But last year we were in sunny Florida with Nonna and Nonno for the holiday. It is amazing how much Blake has grown in just one year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas with Nonna and Nonno

We went out to New Jersey to celebrate Christmas with Nonna and Nonno.
Blake was very interested in Nonna's nativity. He loved the baby "Gigi" and would point to his diaper and say "poop."
Nothing beats Nonna's ziti and meatballs.
Reading before bed.
Opening presents in the morning.

New Jersey Snow

We were out on the Jersey shore for the past few days. The snow was even higher out there!
Run! Run! Run!

Lesson in snow angels.

Christmas with Cousins

Last night we exchanged gifts with cousins Ellie and Kate.
Playing with new toy Elefun!
Enjoying delicious chicken, macaroni and green beans. Blake had two helpings.

First Snow

We woke up Saturday morning to a winter wonderland.
The snow was up to Blake's knees!
He loved it so much he didn't want to come back in.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa Take 2

We decided to try Santa one more time. We headed down to Macy's this morning and was in line by 9 am to beat the crowds.
Blake loved "Santaland" especially the horse, trains, and dancing bears.

When we finally got to Santa, he didn't scream and cry. He wouldn't sit on Santa's lap. He just kept saying over and over "bye bye" "home" "home" "stroller" stroller!"
Santa and shopping all in one day is tiring.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Special Delivery

Neighbors Connor, Caleb, and Maria were nice enough to drop off a package at our door the other morning. The boys especially liked the ride back down to the lobby.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Holiday Party

Blake had a holiday party at school today.

Jump Little Bunny

Blake's favorite song during music time is Sleeping Bunnies. You pretend you are a bunny going to sleep and then all of a sudden they wake up and jump. It never gets old.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Little Gymnast

A while back Blake took a gymnastics class. He really loved it.
Slow and steady.
Jumping for joy with his gal Allie.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Last night we celebrated cousin Dominick's 75th birthday party in Connecticut.
Cousin Rachel.
Blake really enjoyed running around the dance floor. Actually he enjoyed running around the entire place.

Lookin' good at 75!
The plan was for Blake to fall asleep in his stroller. This didn't happen. He didn't want to miss a moment. Happy Birthday Dominick!