Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Caleb James

Blake's best bud and neighbor, Caleb turned one today.  We traveled across the hall for a fabulous celebration.    
Mom and Dad helped blow out the candle.
Blake tried some new foods.  He had chicken fingers, potato puffs, and apple juice.  He didn't get any cake.  We are saving that for his first birthday!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Playdate with the Boys

We had a playdate later in the day today with three other boys, Will, Barrett, and Walker.  These are the only pictures I was able to take with four active boys.  Blake seems to be saying here.... only take photos of me.

We needed the wine.

Fantasy Sports

John's dream has come true.  Blake seems to be following in his footsteps for his love of Fantasy Sports.  
Studying for the draft.
Checking out the top 200 baseball players for the 2009 season.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Lunch

Every Thursday after Gymboree we go out to lunch with some friends in our class.  It is hard to find a restaurant that will take 6 strollers!  We usually go for Sushi, but today we mixed it up and went for some Italian.  
Blake and his friend Ava.

Bubbles and Parachute

Pop Pop Pop
Crawling under the parachute....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Swinging With His Buds

After music class today, we met some of Blake's buds in the park and got some swinging in.
The boys were tired and cold after all that swinging.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Monday

This afternoon we went to our weekly Monday play date.  Blake enjoyed himself as usual.

Hanging with the boys.
Blake always loves to try out his friend's toys.  

New Book

After his bath tonight, Blake couldn't resist taking another peek at his new book about subways.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Goodbye Alex

Tonight we attended a gathering in the lobby of our building to say farewell to our favorite handyman Alex.   
Note the "twin heads"

Museum of Natural History

We are so lucky to live across the street from the Museum of Natural History.  Blake hadn't been since he was six months old, so after brunch today we headed over (he ate another entire grilled cheese sandwich).  He wore his dinosaur shirt for the occasion.  
Checking out the butterflies at the Butterfly Conservatory.  

He loved all of the animal exhibits.  I am excited for the weather to warm up so we can go to the zoo.

The Remote

Blake is always trying to get his hands on our television remote.  If he gets the remote, he aims it at the T.V, presses the buttons, and waits for any change on the screen.  I think we watch too much television.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Metro North

On our way back to NYC, we met up with our friend and favorite nanny Sharon at the Metro North train station in Brewster, NY.  Blake was very excited on the train and loved looking out the window.  

Friday, February 20, 2009

Great Great Uncle Oscar

We met up with Blake's Great Great Uncle Oscar at Marcus Dairy Bar in Danbury CT.  Blake couldn't take his eyes off him the entire lunch, although he did manage to eat an entire grilled cheese sandwich.

Goodbye Mimi and Papa

Blake had so much fun hanging out with his Mimi and Papa this week.  We were so sad to have to say goodbye.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Having fun and relaxing in his robe after his bath.


Friends came over to say goodbye before we leave for NYC tomorrow.  Blake was thinking dinner at Mimi and Papa's is much more exciting.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Car Rides

Being a city baby, Blake is not used to riding around in a car.  Being in the suburbs for a week, he is starting to get used to it.  Here he is getting strapped in to go to Mimi and Papa's house.   
Catching up on some reading during the three hour car ride. 

Walkin' With My Walker

  Blake has learned to use his walker to get around Mimi and Papa's house.  He loves it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Radio Flyer

Blake had fun in his Radio Flyer wagon today.  First with his favorite dog Spike, then later with his gal pal Ella.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Blake was so happy to be reunited with his Massachusetts buddies Will (6 months) and Ella (10 months).  But he was wondering where Brooke was!  

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lovin' Lunenburg

Blake had fun with Mimi and Papa while John and I went to the Wrentham Outlets.  Apparently he was able to help himself to his own snacks.    

He picked out his favorite candy.
He loves suburban grocery stores.  They are so big!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Blake wishes everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!
My belly hurts from all that candy.

Spring Training

Blake has become really good at throwing and catching balls.  He really enjoys playing catch.  John is thrilled and already has him signed with the Mets.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Blake loved this gigantic ball.
Listening to the teacher Mr. Mo sing "There are Bubbles in the Air"
Climbing through the mat tunnel.