Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Silly Boy

While getting ready for swim class today, Blake decided to take apart his floor mat and wear it.

What up dude- Blake got this baseball hat at the birthday party yesterday.  It says "I'm one".  He thinks it's funny to wear around the apartment.  He thinks it's even funnier when I wear it. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Playdate Times Two

Today we had our Monday playdate as well as a playdate birthday party for Blake's friend Barrett.  It was Barrett's first birthday today.  Blake had fun trying on the birthday hat.  He was practicing for his big day!      
Blake missed all of his friends last week when we were in Florida.  It was nice to see them all again.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two Boys, a Museum, and a Roll

Since it was a rainy day today we decided to go the the children's museum with friends Caleb and Maria.
The boys had a great time playing with this giant light bright.  
The highlight of the day for Blake was going out for lunch after the museum.  These rolls occupied the boys for quite sometime.  Blake then polished off a meatball.  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Missing the Sun

Although it was somewhat warm today in NYC, Blake misses the Florida sun.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bye Bye Nonna and Nonno

Blake had a great time in Florida and he is going to miss his Nonna and Nonno.

Frequent Flyer

Blake didn't sleep a wink on the plane ride home.    

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Blake was very  excited to show John what he has been learning at swim class.  John was very impressed considering he still holds his nose when he goes under the water.

Evening Stroll

Tonight after dinner we went for an evening stroll with Nonna.  

Swim Swim Swim

Blake had fun splashing around in the pool today.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mets Spring Training

Today we went to Tradition Field to watch the Mets Spring Training.  Our seats were in the bern (the grassy area) so Blake could crawl around.  It has been John's dream to bring his son to his first baseball game.  It doesn't look as though Blake shared his enthusiasm.

Blake loved the food.  He had some chicken fingers and fries.  Whenever he saw someone with a hamburger or hotdog, he would munch his mouth like he was about to eat too.
Nonna and Nonno

Fun in the Sun

Shopping Cart

Blake has been waking up quite early in Florida.  The other morning we went to get a few things at the grocery store in our pajamas.  Living in the city, Blake had never been in a shopping cart.  When I put him in he acted as if he were in a ride at an amusement park.  Today we went to Wal-Mart.

We picked up a gift for Nonna while we were out.

Playdate in Florida

On Monday we went over to Vero Beach to visit Blake's gal pal Ella.  Although it was very windy, they still had fun splashing in the pool. 
Blake loved hanging out with Ella's Grammie and Grampie....... especially when her Grampie pulled out the yummy goldfish.

Mangia Mangia Mangia

The Italians say mangia mangia mangia.... eat eat eat.  Blake has no problem with that.  He was loving this baked ziti the other night.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 90th Birthday Ellie!

We attended a 90th birthday party today for lovely Ellie.  It was held in Connecticut at the oldest country club in New England.  It was so nice to spend time with family and celebrate the day with such a special woman.
Blake and Ellie "raising the roof" together.
Perhaps she was giving him words of wisdom as his 1st birthday approaches.
Our table.
Cousin Rachel..... a faithful Blake Blog follower!!
Blake working on his second popover. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'

Blake was dancing around tonight to Journey's Don't Stop Believin'.  We had it on repeat. 

Let it Snow?

This morning John looked out the window and noticed huge snowflakes!  So Blake and I put our coats over our pajamas and went for a quick stroll to the corner deli for some breakfast.  Blake loved the snow so much he wouldn't look at the camera.  I did get this one shot.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We strolled down to the Time Warner Center with some friends of ours from music class.  It was such a beautiful day outside.  

Blake is trying to hide his yawn because he only took a 38 minute nap the entire day.