Thursday, April 30, 2009

Parallel Bars

Totally takes after his mother. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Feast

Between music and swimming we had lunch with our friends.  You can see Blake all the way at the end of the table.  He definitely ate the most out of any of his friends.   

Monday, April 27, 2009

Not a Good Host

Blake and I hosted six of his friends and their moms today for a play date.  Blake wasn't the best host.  He took an hour and a half nap during the event.  He had fallen asleep before his friends arrived, so he was pleasantly surprised when he woke up and found his apartment full.   
Blake wasn't happy when his friend Allie wanted to push the buttons on his car.  He just wanted to  go go go.   He gets upset when anything is in his way!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

HOT Sunday

Sunday brunch.
Before dinner we stopped by the park to practice our walking.  Note the outfit.  We threw on our "rocker" t-shirt with our "country club" pants and sandals with socks.  Yesterday we went and bought these first walking sandals.  The sales lady told us to wear socks with them for the first two weeks to prevent blisters.   
He wouldn't put this dandelion down.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


My good friend Melissa and her husband Dan came to Manhattan today with her boys Ethan and Cooper.  I went to graduate school with Melissa and they used to live in our building.  Now they live in the burbs.  It was our first time meeting little Ethan and I didn't even get a good photo.  It was such a beautiful day we went over to Central Park.
The boys had fun with balls, bats, and golf clubs.  Notice the hats.  For the record, Cooper's mom grew up in Massachusetts.  What's up with that?
Hats off to the Red Sox for their win over the Yankees today.
Blake looking as though he is waiting for a pitch.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Blake and Spike spent some quality time together last week in Massachusetts.  Blake was a bit afraid of Spike at first, but quickly warmed up.  Despite the attention shift, Spike behaved himself.  I bet he was glad when we left!

Spike did get to eat Blake's leftovers.  What a treat.  He never gets table food.
Blake was psyched to get this Spike look alike in his Easter basket.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


After gym class we met some people in Central Park.  Even though it was a bit chilly we still had fun.
Blake enjoyed hanging with his buddy Daniel today.  They both had on the same fleece and same shoes today.  Blake and Daniel are born two weeks apart, delivered by the same doctor, and their moms are both speech-language pathologists that graduated from the same grad school.  Oh.... and Blake's middle name is Daniel.
Trying on Mom's sunglasses.
Blake about to fall in the mud.

Work Out

Today we had our second day of our new gym class.  Blake enjoyed the above activity.  He loves being upside down.  
Then they had us go down this slide on a saucer sled.  Didn't they do this on an episode of the Brady Bunch?
Blake shared this swing with his friend Amelia.  I think it looks as though they are on a date.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

He Walks!

Blake has been taking a few steps for a couple weeks, but yesterday he seemed to get the hang of it more.  He is still quite wobbly, but is very proud of himself.  He was really showing off his moves at music class today. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alice Coco

We were happy that our friends Alice Coco and Sarah stopped by our apartment today.  We decided to go to Central Park.  Alice and Blake were so excited to see the ducks.  We stopped and watched the above duck for at least fifteen minutes.
Blake posing for the camera.
We were happy the rain let up, but it was still a bit soggy.  

Monday, April 20, 2009


While in Massachusetts we visited Blake's Great Grandmother and Grandfather in Keene, New Hampshire.  We had a delicious dinner and enjoyed hanging out with Great Uncle Paul and Sherry.  Blake stayed up way past his bedtime, and didn't sleep a wink on the drive home.  

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Babbling Brooke

Blake and I were so excited that Babbling Brooke and her mom Julie came from Baltimore to visit.  We had such a nice day.  We can't wait to see them again.
Blake and Brooke got in some T.V. watching while we ate our lunch.
We had to make an ice cream sundae run.  They loved the whipped cream. 
Cherry Hill Farm.  

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Ella Riley

We celebrated Blake's friend Ella's first birthday today.
Blake was hoping to get some of that cake.
The birthday girl giving Blake a taste of her toy.
Blake and his buddy Will.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New Hampshire

Blake and I traveled to New Hampshire today to visit my good friend Mollie from college.  Blake enjoyed hanging out with her niece Holly and daughters Emma and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is exactly one year older than Blake.  They were both born on May 11th!  Don't they look like they are having fun?
Blake enjoyed their beautiful swing set.  His favorite thing was pushing the tire.


Rylee came to visit the other night.  Blake had so much fun playing with her, he didn't want the night to end. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gym Class in Mass?

Today we went to a gym class in Massachusetts with our friends Ella and Will.  It was a neat facility.  Much bigger than what we are used to in NYC.  Blake loved it.
This is the only picture we got of the three babies during the class.  
We went to Kimball Farm afterwards for ice cream.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today we took Blake to the playground where I went to elementary school.  First we tried the slide together.  
Then he went down on his own.
We went across the street to the town library.