Saturday, May 30, 2009


This morning we went to Blake's friend Reid's 1st birthday party.  Reid's apartment is near the carousel in Central Park, so we headed over after the party.  The carousel went so fast, Blake didn't really enjoy it.           
He liked the horses much better when the carousel stopped.
Ocean Grill for dinner. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gym Rat

Rollin Rollin'
Choo Choo
Bouncing on the trampoline.
Listening to the puppet show, Down on Grandpa's Farm.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Wheels New Word

Blake had been trying to steal other kids' baby strollers in the park, so we ordered him his own. He can't get enough of it.  
One of his new words is "hat".  He loves to wear hats around the apartment, although he refuses to wear them outside in the sun.  His hat of choice yesterday morning was my swim cap.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Party Time

Blake attended his friend Daniel's first birthday party today.  There was excellent entertainment that included sign language, guitar playing, book reading, and bubble blowing.  It was Blake's lucky day...... the book was all about farm animals.
Blake felt the need to help play the guitar.  

Monday, May 25, 2009

Zoo II

Blake enjoyed the zoo so much on Thursday, we thought we would go as a family today.

We didn't see the penguins on Thursday, so we spent some time there today.  It was definitely his favorite exhibit.  He kept pointing and saying "duck" and "quack," amusing everyone around us.    
Checking out the monkeys.
A souvenir snake.
Ending the long weekend with a delicious cupcake treat after dinner.  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Street Fair

We came upon another street fair this weekend where Blake discovered his dream game.    
Prize = giant plastic yellow duck    
Tasting some carrot-watermelon-apple juice.  Yum.
We went for brunch this afternoon.  Blake has recently been into sharing his food.  It's always nice and wet.  

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

It is Fleet Week in NYC, so we were seeing lots of sailors in the park today.  These guys are from Canada.
Dude in the park.
Off to check out the turtles and ducks in the pond.
Quick run to the playground before dinner.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Our friends Andrea and baby Lukas walked over to the west side for some lunch at Pinch and Smack.  Blake enjoyed his mac and cheese.
Then we all headed downtown to meet some more friends at the Central Park Zoo.  It sure was hot today.
Blake hanging out in a giant turtle egg with some of his buds.Petting Zoo.

Blake really loved climbing all over this giant spider web.  
Blake ended his day by inviting his buddy and neighbor Caleb over for some veggie burgers.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

PS 314

Today Blake and I traveled uptown to Washington Heights to visit the school where I used to work.  Blake enjoyed hanging out with Phyllis, the school psychologist and Matilde, the family worker.  He loved walking down the big hallways and watching all the kids.     
Blake had fun on Matilde's chair.  He is peeking into the window of my old office because kids were in there having therapy. 
We had lunch at a nearby cafe.  It was such a beautiful day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Allie's 1st Birthday Party

Yesterday we went to our friend Allie's 1st birthday party.  There was musical entertainment that the kids really enjoyed.  
They are starting a band.
This morning Blake loved playing with his favor from the party, even if there wasn't any sand.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Papa!

Today is Papa's 60th Birthday.  We wish we were with him to celebrate.  Blake misses his Papa and can't wait to see him again soon!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Return of the Appetite

Blake's appetite is back.  We went to a nearby street fair today and brought back his first corn on the cob.  He loved it.    
 He had some difficulty holding the corn the long way and he refused to let me hold it.   
We had brunch on Saturday morning.  Blake ate like a champ, and had his eyes on everyones dish.  

Checking out the park scene while digesting.  

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Moms' Night Out

Tonight I went out with some moms for Mexican food and sangria.  It has been great getting to know this great group of women over the past year.