Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grand Cayman

Here are some highlights from our trip.
Sunset catamaran.
Anniversary dinner at Eric Ripert's restaurant Blue.
Afternoon drink. 
He still held his nose.....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Five Years

Thanks for the anniversary wishes Mr. B!
Today is our five year wedding anniversary.  Last week before we left for our trip, Mimi and Papa took us to the International (where we got married) for a delicious dinner.  Five years later, how lucky are we to have such a funny, loving, smart little man as part of our family.  Thanks to Mimi and Papa for looking after Blake this week so we could celebrate!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sting Ray City

John and I have been enjoying the Cayman Islands.  Today we went to a sandbar called Sting Ray City.  There were dozens of enormous stingrays swimming all around us.

They say if you kiss one, you have seven years of good luck.  

Frog Pond

Mimi, Papa, and Rachel also took Blake to the Boston Common Frog Pond. 

Monday, August 24, 2009

Make Way For Ducklings

A few days ago, Mimi, Papa, and Rachel took Blake into Boston.  After a ride on the swan boats, they went over to see the statues from the children's book Make Way for Ducklings.

I love this photo of Blake getting a closer look.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mimi and Papa's

Friday afternoon we packed the car and left the city to go to Mimi and Papa's house.  We picked up cousin Rachel along the way.  Blake loved having company in the back seat.
When we got there we had to cool off in the pool right away.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Blake enjoys drawing and stamping with these "easy to grasp" crayons and stamps.   

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Last Class

Yesterday we went to our last music class of the summer.  Blake studied the violin.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Old Time Photo

When we were on the Jersey shore last week we had an "old time photo" taken.  The photographer wanted John and I to be serious and Blake to be smiling.  I guess I decided to do a little of both. Blake loves looking at this photo.  

Sunday, August 16, 2009

City Splash

Yesterday we finally checked out the CMOM outdoor exhibit, City Splash.  Blake really enjoyed himself.
Painting with water is fun.
Blake plucked this duck from the bunch and held on to it for a very long time.  His love of ducks hasn't wavered. 
Foam blocks stick on glass when wet.  Fun.

Hot Hot Hot

It was a hot one here in NYC this weekend.  

Blake is in love with this cow.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cake Boss

We went back to the CMOM to check out the outdoor exhibit (more on that later).  They were filming the reality show Cake Boss.  It airs Monday nights on TLC after Jon and Kate Plus Eight.  They baked a cake that looked exactly like Alfie the talking dragon because it was his 3rd birthday.
Blake was interested in all the camera equipment..
They had me sign a release form saying it was ok if Blake appeared on television.  I don't think we were in any of the shots, but it was fun to watch.  
Blake playing with Alfie the dragon and admiring the cake.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Before his bath tonight, Blake was fascinated with his shadow on the couch.  He kept moving and watching.... moving and watching.  

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fifteen Months

Blake turned fifteen months on Tuesday and today he went to the doctor for his check-up.  Blake weighed in at 26.5 pounds and was 32 inches long.  He is 75th percentile for weight, 75th percentile for height, and 75th percentile in head circumference. Perfect boy.  

Puppet Show

Even though the weather wasn't great, we went to go see a puppet show on the pier this morning with friends Caleb, Connor, Allie, and Hayden.  The show was Sleeping Beauty.  Blake was interested for about five minutes and then preferred running around the pier.
Running with Allie

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Park Before Dark

Tonight we went to Central Park before dinner.  We checked out the ducks and turtles, then Blake ran around in the grass.  
Picking some flowers.

Blake has recently enjoyed kicking balls.  John is ready to sign him up for the Italian soccer team.

Artsy Morning

This morning we stopped by the children's museum.  Blake was feeling very artistic.  I think he looks too grown up in this photo.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Madison Square Park

This morning we traveled all the way downtown to Madison Square Park for a kids concert. 

Blake and Caleb admiring baby Connor.
Thanks for the Shake Shack burgers and fries Randy!
Too much dancing for Caleb James.  At least he is still holding on to his snack cup.
After a nap, we met friends Daniel, Reid, and Lindsay at a nearby park.  Then we all went for pizza and mac & cheese.  
Blake getting his groove on at the concert.