Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Music -N-Lunch

Blake playing the bass in music class today with his teacher Spiff.
Reaching for bubbles.
We had lunch outside.  I love the reflection of the buildings across the street in the window behind Blake.  This was also the perfection location because it was right in front of a bus stop.  Blake went nuts each time the bus pulled up.  Makes for a fabulous lunch.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nibble Nibble

We hit numerous street fairs this summer in NYC.  Blake always gets an ear of corn.  Yesterday there was a fair on our street.  Blake enjoyed some corn and ate every single kernel.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Blake's friend Brooke visited from Philadelphia this weekend.  Blake enjoyed having someone around to play, eat, and bathe with.  Come back again soon Brooke!

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

We drove to Queens on Saturday morning to visit Sarah, Evan, and Alice.  The best part of the drive was when I turned around and saw Brooke and Blake holding hands.  It was very sweet.  
They did it several times on the way over, and again on the way home.  
Blake showed Brooke and Alice how to eat grilled cheese.  
Sarah is a talented artist and impressed Blake with her sketch of a horse.  Neigh!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Blake started his pre-nursery program today.  We will go twice a week for two hours.  He really enjoyed himself.   
Doing some dishes.  I love the tip toes.
Choo choo.
Blake was distracted by a sheep during the dancing portion of class.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


John has been teaching Blake his manners.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Over the weekend Blake spotted this yellow horse in front of a drugstore.  


We went for Vietnamese food with the G Family.  We were surprised at how much the boys loved the food!
They especially loved the lamb chops and corn on the cob.
They also had duck fried rice.  If Blake only knew.....  quack quack.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

San Gennaro Festival

We went to the San Gennaro Festival in Little Italy today.  There were lots of games, food, and plenty of I-talians.

Clapping for delicious meatballs, broccoli, and baked ziti at Umberto's Clam House.
Catching up on some reading after dinner.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Home Early

John came home early from work and met us in the park.  Blake was so excited.
John does this "stunt" where he runs really fast and then leaps over Blake.  Blake thinks it is hysterical.  Check out the face.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Snip Snip

Today was a big day.  We went to have Blake's haircut.  I didn't want to do it, but he was beginning to look like he had bed head all day.  
He loved sitting in the airplane and watching the Backyardigans.  
How's it look?
Almost done.  
The hairdresser said Blake was her best client of the day.
Celebrating at EJ's.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Central Park Morning

This morning we met friends Karyl and Reid and went to Central Park.
Feeding the ducks and himself goldfish.
Alice and Wonderland statue.
Most exciting part of the morning......... a lawnmower.
Walking home.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Na Nigh

All clean and ready for "na nigh".

Monday, September 14, 2009

Playground Playgroup

It was such a beautiful day, we decided to have our regular Monday playgroup at a nearby playground. 
Do you need a shovel?
Blake found this baby doll on a bench.  He picked it up and immediately gave it a hug.  He started swaying back and forth with it and then gave it a kiss.  It was the sweetest.

Thirteen Firsts

Blake has attended thirteen first birthday parties (not including his own) since February.  On Sunday we celebrated his friend Dylan's big day.  Blake and his buddy Reid checking out the musician's guitar.
Enjoying some bagels, hummus, and fruit.
There were lots of Little Tike cars to drive.  Blake preferred the police car.  

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Horses in the Rain

Blake loves horses.  He "neighs" at horses in books, on t.v., statues in the park, and he loved the horse behind the fence at the zoo.  So we thought he would enjoy taking a horse and carriage ride around Central Park.  We walked all the way down to Columbus Circle (in the rain!).  When we got there, Blake wanted nothing to do with the horse.
He did have fun walking home in the rain.  
He hit every puddle.
He would have walked the whole way home if we let him.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Sometimes when I am in the next room I get nervous if Blake is too quiet.  I love it when I go to check on him and he is flipping through books.  He looks as though he is studying for something.  

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Blake has been borrowing his friends' chalk at the park for a few weeks.  Today we opened our own box of "galk" that he received as a party favor.  He enjoyed making happy faces,
writing his name
making a hopscotch
and graffitiing the bench.