Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jackson Heights Halloween Parade

Today we went to Queens to the Jackson Heights Halloween Parade.  It's the second largest Halloween parade in New York.  Bloomberg was Grand Marshal.    
Fairy Alice casting a spell on the elephant and circus lion.
Some of the costumes were really neat and it was a great day for a parade.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party

We attended Blake's friend William's Halloween party this afternoon

How many more times do I have to wear this costume?
Decorating some pumpkins with stickers. 

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Elephant Take III

Blake suited up for the third time this week for his pre-nursery school class.
Elephants love trains.

Elephants take good care of their babies.
Twins Pearl and Hazel were condiments.  Their mom made these costumes.  Their mom also went to fashion design school.....
Elephants enjoy having snack with Elvis.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dada Irk

All day Blake asks "Dada?" I tell him Daddy is at work.  Now whenever I mention John during the day or if we see his picture Blake responds "irk".  Blake was so excited today to finally visit Dada at irk.    
John's group organized a pizza and candy party.
Blake had his first lollipop but I don't think it ever went in his mouth.  Strangely, he just held it up to his nose. 

Checking out Dada's desk before leaving.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rainy PJ Morning

This morning it was raining in NYC and we all stayed in our PJ's almost the entire morning. Caleb James came over and the boys colored this giant piece of paper and decorated it with Halloween stickers.  
Parallel Play at its finest.  

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Week

We kicked off Halloween week today by hosting a Halloween themed playgroup.  Blake was excited to wear his elephant costume for the first time.  
Blake putting the finishing touches on the snacks before his friends arrived.
It was tough getting this photo.  I think a baseball player is missing.  Notice Blake is eating a cookie.  He stayed put.
Stroller parking.
No prizes were given, but I think this Frankenstein was the most creative.
Mr. and Mrs. Bee.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Burbs Again

We traveled to Jersey again this weekend.  Blake enjoyed traipsing through the leaves.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Beep Beep

Yesterday Blake painted with cars and trucks at school.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009


This morning Blake and I took a walk to the pond in front of the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park.  It was such a beautiful fall morning.
Blake spotted lots of planes and helicopters overhead. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kid Swap

 Blake was happy today to spend so much time with his buddy and neighbor Caleb.  Caleb came to our place for some lunch while his mom went to a class with his baby brother Connor.  
The boys played so nicely together.  
Later on, Blake was excited to have lasagna, a dance party, and a bath at Caleb's house while I went to the gym. Thank you neighbors!  

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Blake had so much fun playing with cousins Ellie and Kate today in New Jersey.
Blake couldn't stop following Ellie around.  He wouldn't take his eyes off her and tried to mimic her every move. 

Saturday, October 17, 2009


We had to take poor Mr. B to the emergency room last night because he was having trouble breathing.  We went to Mount Sinai where they have a pediatric ER.  It was a zoo, but they took him right away and treated him for asthma like symptoms.  The medicine made Blake so hyper he was bouncing off the walls, entertaining everyone around us.  They wanted to admit him to the hospital, but we were lucky enough to be released at 12:30 am.  Blake did not sleep a wink the entire 6 hours we were there.  He is feeling much better and doesn't mind doing the nebulizer treatments at home because he gets to watch his favorite farm video! 

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Blake suited up today to lend a hand to New York's finest.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Blake painted for the first time today at school.  It was pretty messy and kept his interest for a good five minutes.    

Monday, October 12, 2009

Crib Party

Blake was excited to be reunited with his friends in NYC.  Party in Allie's crib.... so much fun.  

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friends on the Farm

Today we met Ella, Will, and Brooke on a farm in MA.  It was a fun morning of hayrides, animals, pumpkin and apple picking.  
Getting ready for the hayride.
A hayride on a beautiful fall morning and a doughnut.  Can't get better than that!
Time to pick some pumpkins.

Blake should have been an old pro at apple picking.  He had some trouble getting this apple loose, so decided to eat it while it was still on the branch!  It worked. 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hanging With the Girls

We went to visit friends Mollie, Emma, and Elizabeth today in New Hampshire.  Blake had so much fun playing with the girls.  
Elizabeth the ballerina. 
The girls had pet goldfish.  Blake was in awe.