Sunday, January 31, 2010

Under the Weather

Blake was feeling under the weather for the past few days. We had to be creative and think of things to keep him occupied. You can only watch Elmo's World so many times. Blake loved this corral I found on Amazon.
He had this great idea to use his snack from his cup and put it into his pots and pans. He kept saying "feed horse".
So much for pretend play. We are still stepping on Cheerios.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Name Game

Over the holidays, Blake started calling John by his first name. He usually does it if John doesn't respond to "Daddy" right away. Recently I asked him my name and was so surprised that he knew it. It cracks me up every time...

Monday, January 25, 2010


Blake loved hanging at the park with his buddies this weekend.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Threes Company

Brooke and Julie wanted to join in the fun, so they traveled from Philadelphia to NYC for the weekend. After the park and the museum, there was a serious dance party.
Blake always likes guests in his tub.
Miraculously all three kids went to bed (two in the same room!) without a peep. Julie insisted we eat our take out by candle light... as if we were dining out. Cheers.

New Hairdos

Both Will and Blake needed haircuts. Blake wasn't as into it as usual, so he snacked on his first lollipop. He actually had several "pop pops" because they kept getting covered with hair.
Will getting ready in his fire truck.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pizza Party

Our neighbor Maria had a brilliant idea to make our own pizza tonight.Toss it girl.
Sauce it up
Now the cheese.
The boys enjoyed making the pizza much more than I had expected.
The boys enjoyed the toppings even after the pizzas were long gone cooking in the oven.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two Little Monkeys

We are happy to have friends Will and Loreta as guests for a few days. Jumping on a pull out couch is always a good way to wind down before bed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


After music class today we headed over to the playground with some friends. It was pretty chilly, but Blake didn't care at all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Gim Cass"

Blake started a new gym class this morning. Throughout the day Blake kept saying "gim cass" then would say "man sneeze". A dad sneezed during the class and that is what Blake remembered. ???He loved climbing all over the mats.
Monkey B.
His favorite by far was the trampoline.

Belvedere Castle

It was so "warm" yesterday in NYC we went to the park for two hours. Blake was in his glory and the first word out of his mouth this morning was "park".Overlooking the park from the Belvedere Castle.
Blake insisted on walking the entire time. We found lots of leaves, sticks, and squirrels. All very exciting.
Happy boy

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mimi and Papa in Manhattan

Mimi and Papa came to Manhattan to visit for the long weekend. Blake was so excited to host. He enjoyed showing them the museum and some of his favorite dining spots.Creating a play doh masterpiece with Papa.
Looking suspicious.
I guess I should have let everyone swallow their food before I took the photo.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dance Off

Blake was so excited to have Caleb James over early this morning. The boys enjoyed watching John shave (very exciting stuff) and then had a dance off.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Grand Central Train Show

Today we ventured down to Grand Central Station to view the holiday train show. Blake was extra excited because we were going with neighbors Maria, Caleb, and Baby Connor.
What is it with boys and trains?
Afterwards we had a Mexican lunch right in the station. Caleb James got a bit messy when he tried to drink the sour cream!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Rebecca Ann

Rebecca Ann was born 01/10/10 and weighed 8 lbs 5 oz. Rebecca is the first sibling born in our play group. I stopped by the hospital this afternoon to take a quick peek. She looks just like her big brother Daniel!


Yesterday Blake and John rooted for their favorite team, the Green Bay Packers. Unfortunately they lost, but Blake did have fun watching television in bed with his daddy.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Last Wednesday I put Blake down for his afternoon nap. There was a sitter over, so he was not happy about going to bed and wanted to stay up and keep playing. He was crying and yelling "Mama out" and "Mommy help". The sitter and I ignored him and just kept talking until I saw the door to his bedroom fly open and Blake walked out. Somehow he managed to get out of his crib! He hasn't done it since, but I put this comforter in front of his crib in case he gets any ideas.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New York Aquarium

This morning we went to the New York Aquarium in Brooklyn. Blake's favorite things were the fish and sharks.
He wasn't crazy about the walruses. They were huge!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Today we went to the Museum of Natural History's butterfly exhibit. There are over 500 butterflies flying around. It was 83 degrees and 70% humidity inside the exhibit. Nice place to warm up in this cold weather. We stayed in the exhibit for at least 40 minutes. He kept putting his arm out so the butterflies would land on him (he saw other kids doing it).

Unfortunately no butterfly ever landed on him, but one did land on my shoe and leg. Blake is still talking about it. "Museum... fly.... Mama yeg... Mama shoe"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

G Boys

The G Family has been having some trouble with their heat, so we were lucky enough to have them over for dinner and tub time two nights in a row! Blake was beyond thrilled.Rub a dub dub.. three boys in a tub....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Enchanted Village

While in Massachusetts we checked out The Enchanted Village.
Blake couldn't resist touching the horse.

It was a few days after Christmas so the big guy was already back at the North Pole. I think Blake was psyched about that and enjoyed sitting in his empty chair.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rock On

Mimi's friend was nice enough to let us borrow her rocking horse. Blake loves it. Every time we talk about Mimi and Papa's house he says "horsey?" Thank you Eileen!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

We checked out the Philadelphia Mummers parade nearby. Thanks for having us Julie, Derek, and Brooke. Hope to see you again soon!

New Years Eve

We traveled to Philadelphia to celebrate the New Year with Brooke, Julie and Derek.

Getting clean before bed.We put the kids to bed and had a sitter come over so we could have a wild night in Philly. We went to a delicious Cuban restaurant that turned into a club around midnight. Do we look like we get out much?