Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We went to a party on the roof deck at the JCC where Blake takes swim lessons. They called it Roofapalooza. We met some friends and were happy to run into a few others we knew.There was pizza and two music groups that performed.
There were tables set up so the kids could plant some seeds. Blake loved scooping and pouring. When he was done, he would dump his cup of dirt back in and start all over again.

Stud Muffin

Blake got kissed in the sandbox yesterday.

Monday, June 28, 2010


We attended Blake's friend Ava's 2nd birthday party this weekend. John enjoyed the gym just as much as Blake did.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Central Park Row Boats

This morning we went to the boathouse in Central Park and rented a rowboat. We weren't sure if Blake would like it. We were afraid he would get squirmy and want to jump out. Luckily, he was very still and loved every minute.
Our driver still shamelessly wearing his Italia soccer jerseys.
Having a turn.
Blake decided to share some of his Chedder Bunnies with the ducks.
He loved looking for all the different kinds of birds, ducks, and turtles.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy #2 Connor!

Today we helped celebrate Connor's 2nd birthday in the park. It was a very warm day filled with Thomas the Tank Engine and Super Soccer Stars!
Listening to the instructions from the coach.
Connor making sure his godfather keeps nice and cool.


The G family was away last week. The boys were so excited to see each other, they ran around the dinosaur room at the Museum of Natural History holding hands!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Blake started a soccer class a few weeks ago. I love how the coaches have them sit on their balls to listen to the instructions.


We have officially taken a trial class at every gym on the Upper West Side!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Idea

Papa set up the slide to go into Blake's pool. Blake loved it and is still talking about it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Davis Farmland

We met Will and Ella at Davis Farmland.The kittens were a big hit with everyone.
It was nice to cool off and wash off the animal slime at the water park.

New bubble pit.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Al Fresco

Last night was so beautiful. We were lucky enough to eat outside with Blake's best gal pal Allie.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bad Idea

Yesterday they were filming a Kate Hudson movie across the street from us. After dinner I thought it would be fun to let Blake pick out an ice cream at the store, and I would watch the filming while he ate. When we got outside the movie had totally wrapped and Blake chose an ice cream sandwich. Bad idea.

World Cup

Blake and John are geared up to support their favorite World Cup team. They plan to hit all the UWS bars to root on the Italians!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Shack

Julie wanted to wait in the crazy line out the door at The Shake Shack.
Blake definitely thought it was worth the wait. Brooke loved her fries and chocolate malt!

Blast With Brooke

We brought Brooke and Blake over to the fountains yesterday morning. We didn't think they would get wet because it was a bit chilly.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is John's 38th birthday. Blake and I baked a cake this morning. It was just after 7 am.
Greasing the pan.
Julie and Brooke spent the night and were there for the birthday celebration...... at 9:30 am.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One. Two. Three

Blake had three birthday parties this past weekend. Neighbor Sadie's 3rd birthday was a delicious pancake breakfast on Saturday morning. Sunday morning we headed to Reid's 2nd birthday party at My Gym. It was so much fun. Blake especially liked the puppet shows. We headed over to the park afterwards to help celebrate Connor's 1st birthday.
Delicious watermelon. Check out the mess!
Blake's favorite part was lounging in the wagon with buddy Narinn while poor little Enzo tried so hard to pull!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Two of Blake's friend's got him a scooter for his birthday. We have been taking it for spins in the hallway, but tonight brought it outside for the first time.
He loved it and caught on quickly.

It started to downpour so we had to make a run for it. Blake wanted to stay and keep riding his "cooter".

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Uncle Chris had a conference in NYC, so we met up with him at the highline downtown.

Snack break.
Blake loved this huge window where he could watch all the cars coming out from under the bridge.