Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do You Think He is Having Fun?

Mimi and Papa were nice enough to watch Blake while John and I are away for a couple days to celebrate our anniversary. We received this picture today as a text. Do you think he is having fun?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

6 Years Ago Today......

Franklin Park Zoo

We all went to the Franklin Park Zoo.
Hello ostrich.
Helping Daddy and Papa find the way.

The giraffes were a favorite.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Old Mill

We went to have dinner at The Old Mill tonight with Mimi and Papa.
I think it is Blake's new favorite restaurant.

He even went back to feed the ducks after dinner. Here he is telling Mimi how it's done.

Frog Friend

Blake found a friend in his pool this afternoon.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Drawbridge Theater

We took Blake to a puppet theater right down the street from Mimi and Papa's house. It was a production of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
I wasn't sure if Blake was too young, but he sat and watched the entire show.
At the end, the puppeteer had a raffle. Blake decided he wanted one of the raffle tickets. He jumped off my lap, went to the stage and helped himself to a ticket in the jar.
Checking out more puppets on the way out.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

60! 60! 60!

We had a ladies night out celebration for my mom's 60th birthday last night.
Toast by friend Colleen who she met in childbirth class! "Yippee Yippee... Jennie's turning 60!"
Happy 60th Birthday Mom!!!

Cost Cutters

Yesterday Blake got his haircut at Cost Cutters near Mimi and Papa's house. They didn't have the airplane to sit in, or the t.v. to watch, but he did get a lollipop, sticker, and a cost cutters bag.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach Club

We drove to New Jersey yesterday to visit cousins Ellie and Kate. We spent the day at their beach club.Building some sandcastles.
Carrying the jellyfish that cousin Ellie caught. Blake touched it!
On the way to the pool.
The kids pool was perfect. It was two feet deep. Blake smiled the entire time and never wanted to get out.

Goodnight Wag Wag

The other day I went into the bathroom and found this. Blake set up his dog "Wag Wag" on a bed made out of John's bathrobe. He used the bath mat for a blanket. He also took a blanket from his bedroom to cover himself with. Looks comfortable.

Haven't Had One of These in a While.....

Happy 60th Birthday Mimi!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Victorian Gardens

Since Blake had fun on the rides last weekend at the festival, we decided to take him to the Victorian Gardens in NYC. It is a small carnival set up in the middle of Central Park where Wollman ice rink is in the winter.
Blake (and John) leading the train.

Big slide. His face was hilarious.
Jumping frogs.
Blake had to have a turn.

Friday, August 13, 2010


We met friends Reid and Allie at the museum on Thursday. We spent most of our time in the Discovery room, targeted for young children. There were lots of neat things to touch!
His favorite activity was digging for dinosaur bones with special tools.
There were loose bones that the kids were supposed to put in place on the dinosaur.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Now that the summer is coming to an end, Blake has decided to tolerate baseball hats for short periods of time.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Potato and Corn Festival

While in Connecticut we went to the Corn and Potato Festival in a nearby town. It was huge and lots of fun.
Brooke enjoyed her corn.
They loved the cars.
Beep beep.
Blake decided to get on a horse instead of a bench this time...