Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010


The only thing Blake said he wanted for Christmas was "a dog". I ordered this giant sized dog online. It was definitely his favorite gift. We are still wondering where we are going to put him.
New wheels!
Ellie, Kate, and Blake at Nonna and Nonno's house.


We spent Christmas eve at cousin Ellie and Kate's house.The kids opened a million presents.
Nonno ready for the cold!
We ate the traditional Italian 7 fishes for dinner.
Before we headed back to the city, the kids went in the backyard to spread some reindeer food.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rockefeller Center

Today we went to Rockefeller Center to check out the Christmas tree.
Watching the ice skaters.
The tree!
The tree again....
We had lunch at the Sea Grill and was able to watch the skaters while we ate. Santa Claus was on the ice the entire time and Blake would wait for him to come around.
Watching the zamboni from inside the restaurant.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Cards

Gingerbread Disaster

I ordered a gingerbread house on Amazon. I thought it would be a fun activity to do with Blake. Unfortunately the house came with numerous cracks and breaks in the walls and roof. I tried to repair them with icing. It was a disaster.Blake really enjoyed eating the house.

Thank goodness the Smith family sent us a gingerbread house already assembled. Can't wait to open it. Thank you Smiths!


Blake's new favorite "toy" is the nativity set John and I received for our wedding. It is great because the figures are child friendly. He spends quite a bit of time moving around the people and animals. The other day they were all participating in a circus parade. Thank you Mary Ellen and Kevin!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Rockin the Holiday Parties

We went to a family party in Connecticut this weekend.
Blake had several jam sessions. Here he is cueing his back up singers.
Playing with cousin Rachel.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The NY Botanical Garden Train Show

We went to the New York Botanical Garden to check out their annual train show. The grounds and the buildings were beautiful.

Blake enjoyed looking at all the houses, bridges, building and trains!

My favorite was this replica of Rockefeller Center.
Checking out the Gingerbread houses.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Santa at Macy's

This morning we headed to Macy's to see Santa! Blake has been reciting what he was going to say to Santa all week. Miraculously, there were no lines when we got there. We went right in. Blake refused to sit on Santa's lap, but the elf suggested he sit on the stool in front of Santa. When Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas, Blake froze. He did answer "yes" when Santa asked him if he has been a good little boy. After we saw Santa we headed to the puppet show Miracle on 34th Street on the same floor. Afterwards, we came back to see Santa again! Notice the different Santas.
Still on the stool....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scribble Press

Blake and his friend Allie worked very hard last week making some artwork at a new place called Scribble Press.
Blake's favorite part was choosing the markers.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


We decorated the house a bit more for Christmas this weekend.

Caleb and family came over to check out the finished product!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tree "Farm"

We went across the street to our local "Christmas tree farm." to pick out a tree. Blake was so excited.
We found a good one!
Watching the lady wrap it up.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Wizard of Oz

The Children's Museum of Manhattan has a special Wizard of Oz exhibit for a few months. Blake was petrified of the entire room the first time we went. We have been a few times and now he loves it! His favorite part of the bike is that Toto is riding in the basket behind him.
Making his own scarecrow.
Follow the yellow brick road........

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Blake practiced his tree decorating skills today by helping Mimi and Papa put up their Christmas tree.
He loved choosing from all the different ornaments and was pretty good at hanging them on the tree.