Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

36 Weeks

I am 36 weeks today. The doctor is thinking it might be any day now. Hopefully we can keep this little person inside for one more week!Large and in charge.
I was 40 minutes late for my doctor's appointment today because President Barack Obama was speaking across the street from us. All the side streets were closed down. I finally got a police escort to the entrance of the office. I was able to catch the motorcade going to and coming back from the appointment. Perfect timing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting for Warmer Weather

Julie and Brooke came to visit last week. The weather was beautiful. We were in the park until 7:15 pm. It has been freezing lately. We want the warm weather back!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Guy

Pizza and Music

After soccer last week we attended a pizza/concert with Allie and Narinn. The kids loved it.Allie and Blake chatting while waiting for the show to start.
Allie, Blake, and Narinn were front and center the entire concert dancing and singing.

Welcome Siri and Lydia

Twins Siri and Lydia were born at the beginning of December. We finally made it over to their new place to meet them. Nan and Siri.
Miss Lydia slept the entire time we were there!
Blake had such a great time hanging with his buddy Narinn. After we left Blake kept telling me he wanted two babies like Narinn has.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Blake has been sleeping in a big boy bed since we got back from Florida. The first night was interesting. He called out for me and I found him on the floor with his pillow at 3:30 am. Ever since then he has slept perfectly and hasn't come out of the bed once!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday Fun

I'm always encouraging John to be more constructive when playing with Blake. Yes, that is a laundry hamper.... and yes, that is a belt...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Art Farm in the City

This year Blake is having his 3rd birthday at Art Farm in the City. This morning (8am!) we went to check out the place and finalize some things for the party. They give each child a basket with some food and hay.
Petting the chicken.
Tortoise crossing.
Ginger the guinea pig.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth

Last weekend John took Blake to the Ringling Brothers Circus in New Jersey. Blake was extra excited because his buddy Narinn and his Daddy were coming too!
I sent John with the camera. What he captured was this one picture of Blake with the popcorn in his face and about 45 photos of the circus.

Welcome Ryan Chase!

We were so happy to hear while we were away that Allie became a big sister! Last week we went over to get a sneak peak at the little man.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting his Groove on at the Magic Kingdom

Blake got his groove on in front of Cinderella's castle during a street parade/dance party.

Character Breakfast

We headed over to the Polynesian resort to have breakfast with the characters. Mickey, Pluto, Lilo, and Stitch were there. Blake did not have such a good time. Here is John encouraging Blake to participate in a parade with the characters around the restaurant.
Calming down with some juice after his character encounter.
On the lookout during breakfast.
Blake freaked out when Pluto came to say hello.
Poor guy hid under the table.
At least someone had a good time.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Animal Kingdom

We hit the safari ride first and didn't have to wait in line!

John insisted on bringing Blake on a rafting ride. Blake barely made the height requirement. He came back looking like this. Drenched all the way down to his socks and underware. Thank goodness we had a change of clothes.
Enjoying a Mickey ice cream.
Jungle parade.
Waiting for Mickey.
Someone's having a good time........
The Lion King and Finding Nemo shows were my favorite.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Blake loved the ride Spaceship Earth, in the giant sphere. He went on twice.
The Flower and Garden Festival was going on at Epcot.
Chowing on some dinner in the country Morocco.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Animal Kingdom Lodge

Blake has been enamored with animals since he was a baby. We thought he would really enjoy staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge at Disney. We stayed in a room where there were all kinds of animals roaming right off our balcony. Blake was so excited every morning to open the shades to see what was out there. His favorites were definitely the giraffes and zebras.
Early morning Disney cartoons in the lobby.
Blake's first time on a waterslide! He said he wanted to go down. He did great and wanted to go again.
Loving the weather and the pool!

Eating at the African restaurant Jinko. This is around 8:30 one night. He had no nap and walked around the park all day. Trooper.

The Magic Kingdom

Blake loved the Magic Kingdom, so we had two fun filled days there.
Watching a show in front of Cinderella's castle.
Getting ready for a 3-D show. He kept the glassed on the entire time!
Dumbo ride. Blake kept calling it "Jumbo" the elephant.

Watching the Electrical Light Parade. One of his favorite things we did.

Safari ride.