Thursday, May 26, 2011

Three Year Stats

Blake went to the doctors for his 3 year check up. I couldn't resist taking his photo with my camera phone when they measured him in his undies.Blake is 39 inches (75-90th percentile) and 37 pounds (90th percentile).
Hearing test

Monday, May 23, 2011

Say Cheese

Caden has started to smile!

Roll Over

Caden rolls over!! He did it a few days ago and has done it several times since. Blake came running over to me yelling "Caden flipped over! Caden flipped over!"

Last Day

Blake had the final day of his toddler program last week. Blake had a such a great year and loved his school, teachers, and friends so much. Arielle dismissing one last time!
Blake's teacher had nothing but great things to say about him. We are so proud and hope he always "loves to learn" and enjoys going to school as much as he did this year.
We had our class picnic today. The weather was terrible, but the kids still had fun!


3rd Birthday Celebration

Blake celebrated his 3rd birthday at the Art Farm a few weeks ago. Friends "signed" a t-shirt when they arrived at the party.
Music time.
Checking out a chinchilla.
Birthday day boy celebrating with 24 of his closest friends!

Making a wish.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Birthday Party at School

Who's Who?

Caden has been wearing all of Blake's clothes. Do you know who's who?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Date at the Museum

Blake and Brooke sharing a moment at the Museum of Natural History.

Newborn Photo

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Showtime!

Blake loves shows. We were able to see Madagascar Live with friends Allie and Narinn at Radio City Music Hall a few weeks ago. Sharing some popcorn.
We also went to see Imaginocean. It was great.

Blake's first PLAYBILL!!

PRE Birthday Celebration

We had a pre birthday celebration at a fondue restaurant in New Jersey.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday Swim

Blake has been taking swim lessons on Sunday afternoons with John.


I think Caden looks like a baby doll in this photo.

Caiden's Vineyards

So it isn't spelled the same, but it is still cool. Thank you Randy!

Babes in the Bath