Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Our Whole Family"

As Blake always says when we are together "this is our whole family!"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rub Down

I couldn't stop laughing when I walked in on Caden having a massage after his bath by our sitter Sharon. He was loving it so much I had to document.

Long Island Queens

Had a tasty lunch in Long Island Queens with Sarah. No kids. It was peaceful and quiet. Relaxed Sarah.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Taj Mahal

John got creative over the weekend....

Deep End

Blake has been swimming in the "deep end" without his bubble.He can make it half way across the pool!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Pool Date

Miss Ella came over for a swim.


Skinny Dippin


Caden has had a few "playdates" with his buddy Maddox. We finally got a picture!


It was so HOT at Mimi and Papa's pool we put Caden in his tub to cool him off poolside!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Camp

Blake is attending summer camp for two weeks. Friends Allie, Narinn, and Ava are in his group. We had "visitors day" to see what their day is like. He told me the first day his favorite part was swimming.
Ring around the rosie!
Noodle mania.
lunch time!
Concentrating on his art project.
Doing his favorite song and dance to Animal Action..... I think this was an elephant....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jersey Beach Day 2011

Cousins Ellie and Kate invited us to their beach club on the Jersey shore. It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun!
Ice cream sandwich. Yum.
Ellie and Caden. Looks like Caden needs to work on his tan.
Blake preferred the big pool. He was so proud of his swimming skills. He kept saying "let me go!"

Nonno and his boys.

Kamran's Crew

John's friend Kamran from LA swung by NYC with his wife, two boys, his brother, and his brother's two boys. Lots of boys!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Historic Wedding

This weekend we went to a family friend's wedding in Boston. The ceremony was held at the historic King's Chapel. Paul Revere cast the church's bell, which they rang when the couple left the church.
First night out with no kids!
The reception was across the street. Lots of fun dancing and singing with old friends!

Chuck e Cheese

It rained one day while we were at Mimi and Papa's house. So we called Loreta and Will, grabbed the purell, and went to Chuck E Cheese!

Playing skee ball for the first time.
Blake climbed up here and was too scared to climb back down by himself. I had to rescue him.

Mr. C

Monday, July 4, 2011

No Bubble!

Blake has been loving Mimi and Papa's pool. He never wants to get out. He started to go in without his bubble!Jump!