Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Cogg Railway

We went on the Cogg Railway up to the top of Mt. Washington. John's family shot of us on the train ready to go up...
Going up!
Checking out the sights.
It was freezing at the top. I was so happy I grabbed a hat for Caden last minute.
Clam Chowdah for lunch. Nice and warm inside.
We "hiked" a little further to get to the summit of the mountain. Blake refused to look at the camera. Caden slept the entire time.
Waiting for our train.

Blake doesn't nap and barely ever falls asleep during the day. He slept the entire way down the mountain.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Come on Irene!

Blake braced for hurricane Irene "Papa style"
Venturing out during the storm!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Favorite Time of Day

Museum of Natural History Terrace

Fun play date at the museum last week.


Caden and I had a fun play date with friends Amy and Tommy at the Central Park Boathouse.

We got a great table and the babies were on their best behavior!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Twins Times Two

We went to visit some friends in the CT burbs this weekend. They have two sets of twins, 3 & 4 years old. Blake had a blast!The kids had a water table filled with earthworms. They added dirt..... then some water.
Yes, that is a worm that Blake is holding. Do you see the joy in his face?
The older twins loved holding Caden.
Roasting marshmallows...
Thank you for a great day M family!

Friday, August 19, 2011


We went with Caleb to Make Meaning the other day to make bars of soap.They chose small toys to put into the centers of their soap.
Choosing the scent of their soap.
Watching them pour in the liquid soap.....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cousins from Italy

John's cousins from Italy were studying in Boston for two weeks this summer. A couple of weeks ago we were able to meet up and take them to dinner in Boston. Melania is on John's left, and Domenica is on his right. The other girl is a friend of theirs.
Here are the cousins in Italy in 2003 when John and I visited for a wedding. Melania is all the way to the left, and Domenica on the right. We couldn't believe how much they grew up!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Jersey Hotel

We stayed overnight in Jersey this weekend. We had a great view, but woke up to a very rainy Sunday.
Blake loved being in the hotel room.
Early morning wake up for almost everybody.
Everyone came over to the hotel for lunch.
Kate and her baby cousin.

We celebrated Ellie's 8th birthday. I love Blake's expression when they brought out the cake.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beach Club

Uncle Dan

Friday, August 12, 2011

Roll Over II

Caden has been rolling front to back, but when he would roll from back to front his arm would get stuck and he would start crying. Recently he has learned how to get it out himself, and I keep finding him off his activity mat. Guess he wanted to pet our dog Scout.

First Swing

Big baby. Little baby.


Can't believe we haven't had one of these photos earlier. Hanging out with our favorite neighbors. Keira and Caden.
Maybe someday they will go to prom together?
Keira can't keep her hands off of Caden. She loves rolling on top of him.