Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mimi and Papa's

While John and I attended a Big Fat Italian Wedding in Palm Beach FL, Blake and Caden escaped to Mimi and Papa's house.

Do you think they missed us?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Blake had his 4th Birthday party at the Children's Museum of Manhattan.  

Music Time

Caden wanted in on the fun.


Blake was going back and forth between having Diego or Spiderman on his cake.  He finally decided on a kangaroo!

Sad attempt at a group photo.

Checking out his party goods with buddy Narinn.

Happy 4th Birthday Blake


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


While we were at the christening, Caden was lucky enough to spend some QT with Mimi and Papa.  They took him to McDonald's for his first meal and ice cream.  Looks like he enjoyed.   

The Godmother

I was so thrilled to be Alexander's godmother this past weekend.   Here are the boys anxiously awaiting the ceremony to start.  I forgot Blake's Sunday best in NYC.   whoops.

Alexander Nocos was the perfect baby during the ceremony.... and for the entire weekend!! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012