Tuesday, August 28, 2012

EIGHT Years!

When Blake was two years old, he used to look at our wedding pictures and ask who he stayed with when we got married.  Just the other day he told me he was at the hospital while we were getting married, and he was thinking about us!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Greek Yogurt

Caden insisted on feeding himself Greek yogurt with a spoon.   I left him unsupervised for a moment and came back to this.  Ugh.

Circle Line Cruise With Nonna and Nonno

Nonna and Ellis Island

We weren't supposed to stand on the top deck of the boat.... but we had to get a family shot with Lady Liberty!  

Happy Birthday Mimi!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We left the best neighbors ever.  I am not sure where I will borrow sugar, baby gear, laundry detergent, emergency babysitting, or a late night chat in the hallway.  Blake and Caden are going to miss having their buds right across the hall.  They will miss running and playing soccer in the hallways and last minute dinners together.  So many fun times.  So many great memories. 

I was excited when Maria and Randy moved in a year after us, and even more excited when I found out she was expecting a few months before I was having Blake.  Five years later and we have quite the crew......  You were truly the best neighbors ever.  We are going to miss you terribly.  

Goodbye Eighty One

We moved.  We sold our apartment and moved uptown for more space and to be closer to Blake's school.  So sad to leave our friends and neighborhood.  We will never have the Museum of Natural History in our front yard again.  The CMOM won't be around the corner.  The Central Park turtle pond steps away.  Best neighborhood ever.  We have to go back and say goodbye to our deli man because he was away in Greece when we left.  
It was the first home we owned.  The place where we brought our boys home.    Goodbye eighty one! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Connecticut Beach

Julie, Derek, Brooke, and Cora are so lucky to live down the street from the beach!

Potato and Corn Festival 2012

Two years ago we went with Julie, Derek, and Brooke to the Potato and Corn Festival near their home.  We went back this year, and it didn't disappoint! 

The corn was fantastic!

Baby Cora enjoying the hayride.

I love this picture!

Caden experienced his first ride!  I was afraid he was going to jump out, but he loved it!

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Mollie and the Girls

Mollie, Emma, and Elizabeth came from New Hampshire and met us at Blake's favorite spot in NYC, M&M World!  

Then we moved on to Blake's new favorite spot, The Disney Store

Saying goodbye in their petty cab.  Come back soon! 

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Blake did a week long camp at his buddy Caleb's school.  The theme of the week was cooking.  Blake loved it!

CMOM Splish Splash with James