Sunday, October 28, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Meet The Breeds

In order to feed into Blake's obsession with dogs, we all went to the Javits Center on Sunday to Meet the Breeds.  

Blake was on a mission to find Spikey dogs and Beethoven. 

Blake was going around asking everyone if the dogs were for sale.


Play DATE With Keira


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Sleepover

Blake had his first sleepover at his buddy Narinn's new house in the suburbs! 

They had such a great time, though I don't think they got much sleep.  

Blake came home and fell asleep on our couch!  I don't remember the last time Blake slept in the afternoon, and he has never fallen asleep on the couch.  Thank you Nan and Tom for a delicious dinner and for showing our guy a good time.  He's still talking about it! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

LEGO World

Blake and I met John in Midtown for lunch on Columbus Day.   After lunch John had to head back to work, but Blake and I made a pit stop at the LEGO store.  

There was an area where you could build your own people.   You select the hat/hair, head, body, legs, and an accessory.  I quickly chose the accessories for him.  A mug, wrench, and binoculars..... in order to avoid the guns and swords. 

Taco Tuesday

Monday, October 15, 2012

Carmelo Anthony

A store nearby was having their grand opening and New York Knicks player Carmelo Anthony was the special guest.  I decided to bring all three kids!  Emerson in the Bjorn, Caden in the stroller, and Blake walked.  The line to see Carmelo was down the block. 

 I think the store owner felt bad for me and let us cut the line.  Blake was one of the first to get an autograph.  A woman from VH1 came up to me and had me sign a form and write the name of the kids and ages.  We might be on T.V!
The line.

Announcing Our Baby Girl.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Petting Farm

We went to NJ this weekend to visit cousins Ellie and Kate and Nonna and Nonno.   We stopped on the way there at what I thought was a pumpkin patch, but was really a petting farm!  Despite the rain, Blake and Caden had a blast.  

Baby cows born a few days after Emerson.

Blake milking a cow.

Blake and Ellie.



First Haircut

Too many strangers kept saying.  What's HER name?  How old is SHE?  Watch out for the little GIRL.   Caden got his first haircut!

Last night with curls.

Snip snip....

Driving a fire truck while watching Elmo.

Getting some reading in...