Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy 75th Nonna and Nonno!

We celebrated Nonna and Nonno's birthday at a restaurant on the water and ate lots of seafood.  

                                                We went back to cousin Ellie and Kate's house for some delicious cake.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Pad

We are moving to the suburbs in a few weeks.  Sad to leave NYC, but excited about our new home, new neighborhood, and new town!

Friday, May 24, 2013


Blake dressed up Emerson for pizza night. She didn't mind as long as you didn't take away her crust!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

When I'm 64....

We celebrated Papa's 64th birthday at Kimball's Farm.  

Nice job Papa. He ate the entire sundae.
Happy Birthday!

Boston Duck Tour

Emerson had a follow up doctor's appointment in Boston.  Mimi and Papa and the boys met up with us  afterwards to do the Duck Tour.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reddy Fox

Blake played Reddy Fox in his class play "Spotty Turtle Wins the Race".

He had to wear all orange.  Even though it was 58 degrees that day he wore orange shorts to school!

Jumping to win the race!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What a Difference a Year Can Make

I took these photos on May 9th.  It was exactly one year before that I had my 18 week ultra sound and found out Emerson would be born with a cleft lip and possible palate.  I was completely devastated.  I can't thank Emerson enough for showing me true beauty every single day since she was born.  She is our sweet, beautiful, happy, and brave gift.  We are so lucky to have her!  

Monday, May 13, 2013

Big Girl at the Doctors

Emerson has had three ear infections in about a month. We made a trip to Times Square to see a pediatric ENT.

Picnic Dinner

We went to Central Park for a picnic dinner last week, thanks to Whole Foods.

Emerson has been loving bagels and rolls.  She gets so mad if you try and take them away.   She had her first taste of macaroni and cheese at the picnic.  

Boys looking for bugs.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Blake!

We were going to celebrate Blake's 5th birthday on the baseball field after the game today.... but there was a HUGE thunderstorm that rolled in.  We ran the whole way home and got soaked in the downpour.

We were so happy the G family could join us.  After changing out of soaking wet clothes, CRUMBS cupcakes made it all better.

Blake shared his special birthday cupcake with his brother.  Shocker.

We moved the party to a Mexican restaurant nearby.  All SIX kids were great!

Super Mom with a Super Beer

On Mother's Day FIVE years ago today, we met this little man.  Best.  Gift.  Ever.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Park Date

Blake met up with a bunch of kids in his class at the park after school.