Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Neighborhood Caroling

How Many Raspberries Until Christmas?

Uncle Chris Visits

Uncle Chris loves math!
Opening Christmas presents.
First American girl baby doll.
Superhero and his train
Operation LEGOS!
Catching up.
We ate on the Upper West Side at the lounge/bar (now a Middle Eastern restaurant) where John and I met.
Shake Shack for dessert!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Zach is Back

Town Bon Fire and Caroling

It was freezing and the kids loved every minute of it! 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Curious George

Caden was so excited to take Curious George home from his classroom.  We wanted to show him a good time, so we took him to the ducks and the beach.  It was FREEZING!!! 

Dress Up

Emerson is the luckiest girl in the world with so many dress up hand-me-downs!