Friday, May 23, 2014

Brooke and Cora

We hit the duck pond and beach last weekend when Brooke and Cora came for a visit

Six Months- Six Years!

Blake and Allie met when they were six months old and have been great friends ever since.  How in the world did they get to be 6 YEARS old already!? 

Watch Out Boys

iPad Junkie

Off to Gym Class

First Catches of the Season

Thank You!

Blake had his first thank you writing experience.  

More Make Up

Blake's REAL Birthday 2014

Blake's real birthday fell on Mother's Day this year-  just like it did the day he was born.  We celebrated in NJ with Nonna and Nonno and some fondue.  

Mother's Day 2014

Six Year Old Birthday Party

We only invited Blake's kindergarten class .  What a great group of kids! 

Kindergarten Birthday Celebration

Friday, May 16, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Alligators, Shells, Starfish, and Crabs

Caden is crying because he wants a turn!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Dolphin illustration credit goes to John.  The pelican was all Blake!