Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wiggle, Paint, and Giggle

We were able to make-up a missed gym class by taking a class called Wiggle, Paint, and Giggle.
Blake decorated this baseball hat. He was so excited to bring it home.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today at open gym, Blake watched in awe a 7 year old boy run on the tumble trampoline and do a front flip into the foam pit. Blake kept running down and jumping in saying "flip".

Monday, April 26, 2010

Morning Slide

Blake misses his morning slides at Mimi and Papa's house.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Baby cows, born just three weeks ago.

Morning Cake

We went to New Hampshire this morning to visit Blake's great grandparents. Blake was psyched because there was some leftover cake from Grampa's 87th birthday!
Checking out the yard with Grammie.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

We celebrated Earth Day by having a delicious picnic with friends.

The highlight of Blake's day was finding an earthworm in the grass.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Eric Carle

We went to the Eric Carle museum today in Amherst, MA with Mimi and Papa. Blake's latest favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar, so this display was a big hit.
In the "art studio".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Black Tie

We attended a black tie event. Blake was more interested in playing ball in the hallway than getting his picture taken!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Park Weekend

We literally spent all weekend at the park. Blake would have slept there if we let him. It was beautiful weather and the park was very much alive.Blake hooking up these musicians we came across.
Raisin break.

Friday, April 9, 2010

DC Adventures

Blake and I traveled to DC to visit Uncle Chris and to see the cherry blossoms. I decided last minute to take the acela train instead of driving. I still had some items left over from my "bag of tricks" I used on our recent flight. Blake has taken an interest in the Clifford books and I found the perfect one for our trip.
The entire time Blake kept saying "go in grass". He just wanted to run and run.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was this tulip garden.
It was so hot outside people were cooling off by putting their feet in the fountains at the World War II memorial. Blake kept trying to jump all the way in!
Snow cone break.
The oval office.
Uncle Chris gave Blake an early birthday present. A puzzle of the United States indicating red/blue states.
Apparently it had been windy in DC and most of the cherry blossoms were gone! We did find a couple of trees that were still intact.
We went all the way to the FDR memorial to check out the statue of his dog "Fala". It was featured in the Clifford Goes to Washington book and was Blake's favorite part. We got to the statue and Blake refused to get out of his stroller!
I called Julie to wish her a Happy Birthday today and she told me she was in DC for a meeting. We were able to get on the same return train. We caught up and Blake slept the entire ride home. He didn't wake up until we were in the taxi line! Happy Birthday Julie and thank you Uncle Chris for a fun time!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dry Run

I ordered this pretend cake set for Blake's Easter basket, but forgot to put it in. He opened it yesterday and instantly loved it. He sets up all the candles and insists on wearing the party hat. He sings happy birthday and loves blowing out the candles. Great practice for next months festivities.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Egg Hunt

We headed to NJ today to celebrate Easter. The weather was gorgeous and we were outside for most of the day. Blake had a blast searching for eggs with cousins Ellie and Kate.