Sunday, May 9, 2010

Live Your Best Life

For Mother's Day I took my mom to the Live Your Best Life Weekend in NYC. It was Oprah Magazine's 10th anniversary and it was a huge celebration. When Oprah was introduced, my mother and I rushed the stage and got so close. I have been watching The Oprah Winfrey Show since I was eight years old.
A few other people from around the world came to see Oprah too.
Later in the evening Oprah performed at Radio City Music Hall. It was a very interesting and entertaining autobiography of her life. Hugh Jackman made a surprise appearance.
Our seats were good. They got even better when all of Oprah's "people" (Dr. Oz, Suzie Orman, Nate Berkus, Martha Beck, Gail King, and make up artist Reggie) made their way out of the theater right in front of us.
My favorite designer Nate Berkus. He is adorable!

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