Friday, December 23, 2011

Radio City Christmas Spectacular

John and I brought Blake last week to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas Spectacular.
He wasn't even all the way in the door when he said "I smell popcorn!" The container had lights that flickered on and off.
The Rockettes!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wrong Way!

Rockefeller Ice Skating

Even though it was raining Blake insisted on going ice skating at Rockefeller Center today. While we waited in line I kept telling him that ice skating was very tricky and he might fall.
All laced up and ready to go!
He didn't fall once and he didn't want to get off the ice!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Tree

We got our Christmas tree a few weekends ago. Blake was out of his mind excited. It is my favorite tree yet.

Blake loves the tree so much he was inviting people on the city bus to come to our house to see it.

The After Party

We were invited to a fun cookie decorating party following the concert. Host Ryan eating his creation
Myles got a little sprinkle happy.
Having a laugh with Anabella.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Concert

Blake sang in his first concert for school last week. He sang his heart out and loved every minute.

Ho ho ho! ! !

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Museum of Natural History Class

We are so lucky to have the Museum of Natural History in our "front yard". Blake has been taking a class there. Every week they study a different animal.
Playing with penguins in ice water. Brrrrrrrrrrrr..........

Listening to the teacher explain how penguins take care of their babies.
Every week the children get a flashlight and we venture out of the classroom and into the museum on a "safari" to get a closer look at the animal of the day.
The class ends with an art project. Baby penguin hatching from an egg.

He's Everywhere....

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Little Guy

Our little guy is getting so big... and so much fun. Since I haven't recorded one thing in his baby book (cringe) Here is what he is up to. He waves goodbye and show us "how big he is" by putting his arm up in the air. He just learned how to clap this weekend. He gives a wide, wet, open mouthed kiss on your cheek when you say "beso" (kiss in Spanish). He is crawling everywhere. He only plays with Blake's toys now. Blake is being very tolerant. This morning he just about pulled himself up to standing using Blake's giant truck, but toppled over it and crashed to the ground. Although he is much smaller than Blake was at this time, Caden loves to eat! His favorites are broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, bread with hummus, black beans, macaroni and cheese, zucchini, pears, blueberries, and lentils.

Good Morning

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Macy's Santa 2011

After school we traveled down to Macy's to see Santa Claus with Blake's friend Anabella.Blake loved everything you walk through to get to Santa. He couldn't stop smiling.
Showing Caden the dancing bears.

Is that real??
Blake was very brave this year. He told Santa he wanted a "rocket" for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tree Farm

Last weekend we went to visit Derek, Julie, and Brooke at their beautiful new house in Connecticut. We went to a tree farm to help them pick out their Christmas tree. Brooke and Blake had so much fun running and hiding in the trees!

Good thing he is a surgeon.
Good thing he was a boy scout!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gingerbread Party and Cookie Swap

Narinn invited us to his place to make gingerbread houses and a cookie swap.
Working hard.....

We baked delicious cookies made from Saltine crackers. Yum.

Thank you for having us Narinn. Have a fun and safe trip to Thailand!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

8 Months Old!!

Our little guy turned 8 months on Friday. He learned to crawl the day before!