Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Little Guy

Our little guy is getting so big... and so much fun. Since I haven't recorded one thing in his baby book (cringe) Here is what he is up to. He waves goodbye and show us "how big he is" by putting his arm up in the air. He just learned how to clap this weekend. He gives a wide, wet, open mouthed kiss on your cheek when you say "beso" (kiss in Spanish). He is crawling everywhere. He only plays with Blake's toys now. Blake is being very tolerant. This morning he just about pulled himself up to standing using Blake's giant truck, but toppled over it and crashed to the ground. Although he is much smaller than Blake was at this time, Caden loves to eat! His favorites are broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, bread with hummus, black beans, macaroni and cheese, zucchini, pears, blueberries, and lentils.

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