Saturday, June 30, 2012

Puerto Rico

We went to Puerto Rico last week.  We mostly ate delicious food and RELAXED poolside.  One day we took a seven hour snorkeling boat trip.  Thank you to Mimi and Papa for taking such good care of the boys.  They had a blast.  We only took a few photos on our trip, but Mimi and Papa took over 300 pictures of the boys' stay.  Will post soon!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Party Scene

Blake's been hitting the party scene lately with lots of fun birthday celebrations.  Bowling and mini-golf with Reid.

Superheroes party with a bounce house with Ryan.

Exploring at the Museum of Natural History with Narinn.

Riding the Chelsea Piers carousel with William. 

Friday, June 15, 2012


John turned 40 this week.  Blake was so excited to make and eat cake.

All week Blake would ask "Mom, is 40 old?"

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Jersey Shore

Checking out the sea lions at the aquarium.

Is that Snooki and The Situation?

Blake and John loving the roller coaster.

Caden wanting to try,

Watching his brother.

There we go.

Loving the pool at the beach club.

Early 40th celebration at the beach.

Friday, June 8, 2012

First Fountain Trip 2012

First trip to the fountains with school buds.  

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Blake has a new partner to help him drive the fire truck at the Children's Museum. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We stopped by Allie's dance recital the other day.   She was great!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last Day

Last day of school with teachers Sarah and Katie.  What a great year!  

14 months old!

Caden turned 14 months on June 2nd.  Time flies!  Since there is nothing in his baby book to date (groan), here is what he is doing these days.  He took his first steps just after his first birthday.  However, he never really got the hang of it until the past few weeks.  He is EVERYWHERE.  He doesn't stop.  He has a few words like quack, dada, mama, hi, nigh nigh, moo,  and no! no!.  He can point to his head, teeth, nose, and belly.  He loves dancing, giving kisses and hugs.  His favorite person by far is Blake.  He only ate and closed books in the past, but just the past few weeks he has started to love them!  His favorite is Brown Bear Brown Bear.  He carries it around the house and gets angry if you don't sit down and read it.  He loves to "sing" Happy Birthday, do the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and dance!