Tuesday, June 5, 2012

14 months old!

Caden turned 14 months on June 2nd.  Time flies!  Since there is nothing in his baby book to date (groan), here is what he is doing these days.  He took his first steps just after his first birthday.  However, he never really got the hang of it until the past few weeks.  He is EVERYWHERE.  He doesn't stop.  He has a few words like quack, dada, mama, hi, nigh nigh, moo,  and no! no!.  He can point to his head, teeth, nose, and belly.  He loves dancing, giving kisses and hugs.  His favorite person by far is Blake.  He only ate and closed books in the past, but just the past few weeks he has started to love them!  His favorite is Brown Bear Brown Bear.  He carries it around the house and gets angry if you don't sit down and read it.  He loves to "sing" Happy Birthday, do the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and dance!   

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