Saturday, September 29, 2012

Major League

Blake started playing in a baseball league on Saturday afternoons with some friends.   It's taken him a while to understand how to play, but he is liking it more and more each week.

Up to bat

Running to third.

Headed home.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I have to admit, the girl stuff is so much more fun than boys!  We got these shoes from one of John's clients.  I can't wait for her feet to grow so she can wear them! 

The Climber

This boy is a climber.  He climbs on everything... and then usually jumps while saying "Weeeeeeeeee!!!!"  His latest thing is to hurl himself over Blake's guardrail on his bed.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pee Pee

Caden wants to do everything Blake does, including using the toilet!

Another New Member

While Blake was staying at Mimi and Papa's house, they bought him a fish.   He has been asking to have a pet for a long time.  

He named the fish Otto.  He feeds him every night.  He keeps asking me to take a picture of his fish so he can bring it to school.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baby Sister

Ever since we received the news of Emerson's cleft at our ultra sound, I was so worried about telling Blake and how he would react when he first saw her.  Mimi ended up telling Blake on the way over to the hospital, and John reiterated when he met them in the lobby.  I met him before he entered the room, just to remind him one more time, especially since it was more severe than I had anticipated.  He ran into the room, jumped up on my bed, peered into her bassinet and shouted with pure joy and truthfulness "Oh Mommy, she is just PERFECT!"  Since then he has only mentioned her cleft one time saying "I didn't know her boo boo would look like that."  He is more fixated on her umbilical cord!  He is completely smitten with her.  That's my boy! 
Caden enjoying the view.

Favorite picture to date.

Loves her.

THREE is the magic number!

Party of Five

Welcome to Our Family Emerson Mae!

Emerson Mae was born on September 5, 2012 at 7:48 am.    
Emerson arrived with an hour and half labor.  We had plenty of time to get to the hospital and the doctor on call was able to make it! 

I always referred to this doctor in the practice as "Doogie Howser".  He was great and encouraged me to "just go for it" for the third time without an epidural.  

My OB (and the doctor who delivered Blake) was on call ten minutes after  Emerson was born.  She tried to make the birth, but couldn't get a taxi in time!

We found out at our 20 week ultra sound Emerson would be born with a cleft lip and palate.  We later found out through MRI that her palate was intact.  Her lip was much more severe than I was expecting.  Despite her having an intact palate, I thought she still might have difficulty feeding.  She latched on immediately in the delivery room and has been doing well ever since! Emerson is already scheduled for surgery at Boston Children's Hospital. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Flea Market

Papa has been showing the boys one of his favorite past times- FLEA MARKETS!
Blake told me it's "where you go to buy other peoples' toys".  Nice.  Good thing Mimi is always waiting at home with the disinfectant!  

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Blake and Papa saw a dinosaur sand toy at a friend's house.  So Papa had a great idea and went home and made their very own!!!

Papa is the best! 


Our new apartment has our very own terrace!  Blake had fun with friends Allie and Narinn building a "city" out of boxes and chalk.