Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baby Sister

Ever since we received the news of Emerson's cleft at our ultra sound, I was so worried about telling Blake and how he would react when he first saw her.  Mimi ended up telling Blake on the way over to the hospital, and John reiterated when he met them in the lobby.  I met him before he entered the room, just to remind him one more time, especially since it was more severe than I had anticipated.  He ran into the room, jumped up on my bed, peered into her bassinet and shouted with pure joy and truthfulness "Oh Mommy, she is just PERFECT!"  Since then he has only mentioned her cleft one time saying "I didn't know her boo boo would look like that."  He is more fixated on her umbilical cord!  He is completely smitten with her.  That's my boy! 
Caden enjoying the view.

Favorite picture to date.

Loves her.

THREE is the magic number!

Party of Five

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